
Emergence offers out-of-the-box products both to its enterprise clients and to developers. We offer indefinite updates and support to those who engage our products.


Emergence’s agents are built to be lean and scalable, fit for the varying needs of enterprises of any size. As our research continues to reveal improvements to the multi-agent system framework, we continue to build new, powerful, individual agents. An enterprise with an existing multi-agent system, or with only specific workflows needing automation, can take advantage of pioneering discoveries in efficient intelligent agents by integrating these into their systems.

Document-Processing Agents

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Efficient information extraction toward a goal.

Our custom-trained document-processing agents extract text extremely precisely from images while keeping a specific given goal in mind. They can be used to streamline workflows including:

  • Validating fields in a form against a set of documents.

  • Validating fields in a form against a set of documents.
  • Filling out forms using available documents or transcripts.
  • Summarizing a document for downstream processing.

Enterprise Web Agents

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Automate complex web-based tasks.

Revolutionize web-based tasks with our advanced agents. Using LLMs and LVMs, these agents manipulate web elements, tailoring interactions to specific enterprise needs. They’re trained to be unprecedentedly adept at:

  • Validating fields in a form against a set of documents.

  • Document Object Model (DOM) distillation and manipulation.
  • Adaptive learning with RAG-based long-term memory.
  • Intuitive natural language and voice instruction processing.

Chat Agents

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Advanced, customized conversational experiences.

Our advanced chat agents use Retrieved-Augmented Generation (RAG) to deliver informed conversations. They pull relevant information from extensive databases and web resources in real-time, ensuring responses are grounded only in accurate, up-to-date data. The system also integrates industry-relevant images and videos. Key features include:

  • Validating fields in a form against a set of documents.

  • Multimodal communication (text, images, and voice).
  • Real-time, hallucination-resistant data retrieval for enriched conversations.
  • Optimized, domain-specific language understanding.

Document-Processing Agents

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Efficient information extraction toward a goal

Our custom-trained document-processing agents extract text extremely precisely from images while keeping a specific given goal in mind. They can be used to streamline workflows including:

  • Validating fields in a form against a set of documents.


Emergence has originated a number of compartmentalized abilities which can be integrated into intelligent agents. Your existing agents or multi-agent systems can see significant improvements in efficiency, scalability, and impact with the following researched and tested additions.

Enterprise RAG Embeddings Design and Indexing

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Smarter, faster data retrieval.

It’s crucial that AI systems are able to quickly retrieve only immediately relevant data. We’ve developed an indexing process that organizes data based on custom-tuned embedded compact vector representations. This intelligent organization of data is key in the enterprise, where certain words may carry specialized meanings or esoteric documents may be referenced. Our system significantly enhances the efficiency and precision of information retrieval and data processing.

  • Validating fields in a form against a set of documents.

Multimodal Chat with RAG

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AI as a trusted industry expert.

Our advanced multimodal chat system integrates enterprise-specific information and media into conversations via retrieved-augmented generation (RAG). The system uses an LLM fine-tuned for question-answering which is highly adept at preventing AI hallucinations, trained to indicate a lack of information before making an incorrect guess. These advanced capabilities allow for AI-powered chat fit to answer sophisticated questions on a large scale.

  • Validating fields in a form against a set of documents.

Web, Browser, and App Automations

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Navigate your tech with natural language.

We offer a suite of capabilities that give intelligent agents the power to interact with digital environments as humans do. Emergence has developed advanced techniques for distilling web-page Document Object Models (DOMs) and reasoning through them with an LLM. Agents with these abilities can then autonomously manipulate a browser or desktop based on natural language instruction given via chat or our robust voice-control models.

  • Validating fields in a form against a set of documents.